Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Can Do Photos! And The Unveil.

I've now got an entire page of single spaced instructions for posting photos to the Blog but it's done. Whew! The Grand View shows the diversity of artists and their mediums. This is what we want for our Installation. This was Thomas' dream, I have to believe.

Well. I'm ready to unveil this on Cyberscribes. ALL THE GUILDS! All the individual artists and Calligraphers. From Down Under to DC, from the Suncoast to Seattle, from the Big Apple to LA, allllllllll the fly-over Guilds. Mike's putting out the word. WORDS FOR PEACE. Will you contribute to this Art Installation due to be mounted in the Spring of 2010? Will you? Please?

More info will follow on Cyberscribes and this Blog.

wondering what he's gotten himself into
up in Rochester, NY
Genesee Valley Calligraphy Guild

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike

    Love the photos and the colour. Would love to be involved in the project and send you peace from down under

    Go well

